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Alphabetical listing - R

king Raghav Dev (poet Jayadeva lived during his reign)
Rahu Bhagavan temples in Tamilnadu
Raigarh Gharana
Dr.Rajendra Prasad
RAMA (Chanting the mantra)
Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
Ramappa temple has made it to UNESCO’s World Heritage list
Ramayana (versions)
Ramayana (versions reflecting the social conditions)
Rameswaram Ramanathaswamy Temple Theerthams
Thirukokarnam Ranganayaki Ammal
Rani Rashmoni (Philanthropist)
Rasikajana Manollasini or Sarasangraha Bharatha Shastra
Ravana Vahana
Red Fort
Religious discourses - an intro
Republic Day
Ritymmen living root bridge
Rock art Sites
Rock-cut architecture
Rouf (Folk Dance of Kashmir)
Queen Rudabai (aka Queen Roopba)
Rukmini Devi Arundale's views on sringara and bhakti and its interpretation in dance
Rurban Mission - Singaperumal Koil