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PAINTINGS - Tanjore art

Jul 2021
An ornate technique that traces its history to the Maratha dynasty which ruled Thanjavur from 1676 to 1855.
Even though it was born in Thanjavur, the art form has flourished in the temple town of Srirangam. “Long ago, artists used to walk all the way from Thanjavur to Srirangam, to display and sell their work near Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple.
Modern machine-made brushes have taken over from the ethnic versions that had tiny bunches of squirrel fur threaded through the bony ends of pigeon and eagle feathers secured with bamboo flints. “Artists have also painted with Thazhampoo (screw pine flower) and the edges of bamboo fansModern machine-made brushes have taken over from the ethnic versions that had tiny bunches of squirrel fur threaded through the bony ends of pigeon and eagle feathers secured with bamboo flints. “Artists have also painted with Thazhampoo (screw pine flower) and the edges of bamboo fans - L Ramanujam.
Source: Striking gold with an ancient art, Nahla Nainar, The Hindu, Dec 6, 2019