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Thamizh devotional hymns

* 17 Oct 2021
Thevaram are devotional hymns sung in praise of Lord Shiva by the 3 Nayanmars (Tevaram trio or Thevara moovar) -  Thirugnana Sambandar, Thirunavukkarasar (appar) and Sundarar.  The first three volumes of Thevaram are hymns rendered by Sambandar, the next three by Appar, and the seventh by Sundarar.  These hymns form part of the daily worhip in SIva temples.

* 17 Oct 2021
Panniru Thirumurai is the collection of twelve holy scriptures written in Thamizh by twenty seven devotees. At the behest of the Chola king Raja Raja Chozhan, Nambiandar Nambi compiled the hymns composed by Saiva saint poets into 11 Thirumurais.  Later Sekhizar's Peria Puranam was added to make the 12 Thirumurais.

These 12 Thirumurais are arranged in four catagories. They are
- thoththiram (stotram) (praise), the first nine Thirumurais.
- Chaathiram (saastram) (guidelines) which is the tenth Thirumurai namely Thirumandhiram.
- Prabhantam (assorted) which is the eleventh thirumurai. (Becuase the songs in this are composed of various language constructs).
- Puraanam (history) is the twelth thirumurai.

- First , second and third Thirumurais rendered by Thirugnana Sambandar with a few later additions.
- Fourth, fifth and sixth Thirumurais rendered by Thirunavukkarasar
- Seventh Thirumurai rendered by Sundaramurti Nayanar.
- Eighth Thirumurai - Thiruvasagam rendered by Manicka Vasagar
- Ninth Thirumurai - Thiru visaipa and Thirupallaandu - Hymns rendered by 9 devotees - Thiru Maligai Thevar, Sendhanar, Karuvur Thevar, Poondhuruthi Nambi Kaada Nambi, Kandaraadhithar, Venaattadigal, Thiru Vaaliyamoodhanar, Purutothama Nambi, Sedhiraayar
- Tenth Thirumurai - Thirumandiram by Thirumoolar
- Eleventh Thirumurai - Hymns rendered by the 12 devotees - Thiru Aalavaai Udayaar, Karaikal Ammaiyar, Aiyadigal Kaadavarkon, Cheraman Perumal, Nakkeerar, Kallaadar, Kabilar, Paranar, Ilamperumal Adigal, Adhiraavadigal, Pattinathu Pillayar, Nambiyandar Nambi
- Twelfth Thirumurai - Peria Puranam rendered by Sekhizar.

* 17 Oct 2021
The 27 poet saints who rendered the hymns in Panniru Thirumurais
1. Thirugnana Sambandar, 2. Thirunavukkarasar, 3. Sundaramurti Nayanar, 4. Manika Vaasagar, 5. Thiru Maligai Thevar, 6. Sendhanar, 7. Karuvur Thevar, 8. Poondhuruthi Nambi Kaada Nambi, 9. Kandaraadhithar, 10. Venaattadigal, 11. Thiru Vaaliyamoodhanar, 12. Purutothama Nambi, 13. Sedhiraayar, 14. Thirumoolar, 15. Thiru Aalavaai Udayaar, 16. Karaikal Ammaiyar, 17. Aiyadigal Kaadavarkon, 18. Cheraman Perumal, 19. Nakkeerar, 20. Kallaadar, 21. Kabilar, 22. Paranar, 23. Ilamperumal Adigal, 24. Adhiraavadigal, 25. Pattinathu Pillayar, 26. Nambiyandar Nambi, 27. Sekhizar